Queenborough Oval (Nelson Road, Sandy Bay) in the southern suburbs of Hobart is the home of the club which shares this facility with the Hutchins School Old Boys Football Club (OSFA) and the South Hobart-Sandy Bay Cricket Club.
A strong and vibrant junior club, Sandy Bay Lions JFC operates AUSKICK at Lower Queenborough and fields Modified Rules teams from U8 to U12 and Youth Age teams from U13 to U18. Competitions are conducted on Sundays. The club services the needs of the suburbs of Battery Point, South Hobart, Mt Nelson, Dynnyrne, Sandy Bay and Taroona.
Training is conducted at Queenborough Oval after school through the week. Games are held on Sundays in a season beginning around Easter and finishing before the start of the school Term 2 holidays in September.
Boasting a proud tradition the club has strong links to, and the support of the coterie group Seahawks and the Sandy Bay Past Players’ Association.
The club Best and Fairest Awards are named after Nick Riewoldt who began his playing days here.